
Roles and responsibilities

At the Conseil scolaire catholique des Grandes Rivières, many people work together to ensure student success. When it comes to special education (EED), each of these people plays a specific role, which is summarized below.

School administration

The school administration:

  • communicates to its staff the expectations of the Ministry of Education and the School Board;
  • ensure that a qualified staff member is assigned to teaching special education classes;
  • ensures the identification and placement of students in difficulty;
  • consults with parents and staff to determine the most appropriate program;
  • ensures the development, implementation and review of the Individual Education Plan (IEP);
  • ensures that parents or guardians are consulted on the development of their child's IEP.
For more information on roles and responsibilities, please see pages 8 to 18 of the Report to the Ministry of Education on the Special Education Plan (PDF not accessible).