
Review or modify your daily availability
  • Log in to SISA.
  • Under the "Schedule" tab, choose the "General" option. Your current system schedule will appear.
  • To remove a selection from the list:
    • Check the appropriate box.
    • Press the "Delete" button.
  • To create a new period:
    • Press the "New" button.
    • Enter the day of the week and then the start and end time during the day.
    • Press "Save".

Good reception practices

Reception of students and parents at the time of registration
  • Use a customer service approach.
  • Post the usual greetings and greetings next to each school telephone.
  • Write down the following information from the first contact:
    • child's name
    • date of birth, sex, grade level
    • parent's name
    • address
    • phone number
    • special needs of the parent or child (consult protocol for people with special needs)
  • Have welcome and registration kits available at all times.
  • Provide a person to register in the absence of management.
  • Introduce all the people the child and parent need to meet, preferably in person if not over the phone.
  • Notify as soon as possible all those concerned of the arrival of the new student: secretary, teacher, supervisory staff for the dinner, resource person for student services, other staff members, students in the class, students in school.
  • Show the school to the parents and the student.
  • If time permits, prepare staff and students to welcome the student.
  • Take the time to explain the morning routine (elementary, parent and student, high school, student).
  • Provide information about child care services

Other suggestions

  • Invite all staff when there is a meeting or dinner.
  • Involve the janitor, secretary, educator assistants in choosing students to be honored.
  • Give thanks: verbally, on the intercom, by personal note.
  • Underline the birthdays of staff members.

Good transition practices between schools or classes

When students have to make a transition without being properly prepared, inappropriate behavior or resistance can arise. Often a student approaches such a change with anxiety. He may demonstrate an inability to react appropriately or to adapt to his new situation. Educators must therefore carefully plan any student transition.

The planning process aims to ensure continuity of services, whether it is a transfer from one school to another or a change of class within the same school. Communication between the staff of the home environment, the reception staff, the parents and the child is essential.

Key steps for a smooth transition

Between schools

  • Offer an information session on the transition to staff from the sending and receiving schools.
  • Provide information and consult with members of the school council of the home school.
  • Hold a meeting in the host school with the parents and children concerned from the home school.
  • Hold a meeting of ambassadors from the host school in the home school.
  • Organize a guided tour of the reception school for the children concerned.

Between classes of the same school

  • Offer an information session on the transition to school staff.
  • Provide information and consult with school council members.
  • Hold a meeting in the school with the parents and children concerned from the school.
  • Organize a guided tour of the school for the children concerned.

The transition should be prepared and carried out by a team of students, parents, teachers and management.