All buses are running today.

The website of BusPlanner is still the best place to check for today's cancellations.
This section is updated Monday to Friday, between 6:30 a.m. and 16 p.m.
The following buses are not running:
- Route 116 is cancelled on February 7
- Route 115 is cancelled on February 7
- Route 23 is cancelled on February 7
- Route 30 is cancelled on February 7th
- Route 31 is cancelled on February 7
- Route 64 is cancelled on February 7
- Route 66 is cancelled on February 7

School transport is cancelled on January 27 in all regions of the Council

All schools in Hearst and Mattice are closed on January 21.
During bad weather, school transportation may be cancelled. However, schools remain open. It is understood that if school transportation is cancelled in the morning, it is also cancelled at the end of the day. However, if you choose to drive your child to school when transportation is cancelled, you are responsible for their return home.
Even if transportation is canceled, we ask that you report your child's absence to the school to ensure the safety of all our students.
How to know if the transport is canceled
Any cancellation of school transport is posted here, on the "Cancellation of school transport" page as well as on our page Facebook. Radio stations also announce cancellations of school transportation.
School Transportation Management Team
Council Headquarters (Timmins)
Jocelyne Gelinas
School Transportation Services Officer
Phone: 705 267-1421, extension 231
Toll free: 1 800 465-9984, ext. 231
Kapuskasing service point
Linda geno
School Transportation Services Coordinator
Phone: 705 335-6091, extension 134
Toll free: 1 800 228-2021, ext. 134
Email: linda.geno@cscdgr.education
New Liskeard Service Point
Julie Rivard
School Transportation Services Officer
Phone: 705 647-7304, extension 230
Toll free: 1 800 461-3288, ext. 230
Email: julie.rivard@cscdgr.education