Where to start?

You can register your child at one of our schools, from junior kindergarten to grade 12, at any time.
Come to our Open House events or ask the school directly for a private visit. To learn more about our Open House events dates and times, please consult our Open doors pages for either elementary schools or high schools.
If you have any questions or are having difficulty registering your child online, please email cscdgr@cscdgr.education.
To register for junior kindergarten, the student must be 4 years old or older on December 31st of the current school year.home address
The student must reside in the school attendance zone.Religion
To register in an elementary school, the student must meet one of the following criteria:- One of the parents or legal guardians is a taxpayer contributing to the French-language Catholic education system of Ontario; gold
- One of the parents or legal guardians was baptized under the Catholic Church or one of the religious traditions it recognized.
Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, you can register your child at a French-language school if you are a:
- Parent, Canadian citizen, who's first language learned and understood is French;
- Parent, Canadian citizen, who received an elementary education in French in Canada; gold
- Canadian citizen, parent of at least one child who is receiving or has received an elementary or secondary education in a French establishment.
That being said, Ontario's Education Law specifies that any parent or legal guardian can submit a registration application. It is a simple process including a meeting between members of the school's administration and the family.

Required documents and forms
Please bring the following documents at the time of registration, if possible:
- Birth, baptismal or adoption certificate of the student;
- Proof of Canadian citizenship or immigration status or any other valid status;
- Proof of home address, such as a recent gas, electricity or any other valid status;
- Latest education documentation, such as a report card, transcript or diploma;
- Any other document you think might be relevant, such as a court order related to the child's custody.
- You will also be asked to complete the Application for direction of school support.