In order to facilitate the transition and thus increase the level of success of its students, the CSCDGR has implemented a transition plan from 8th to 9th grade. The guidance counselors at the intermediate and secondary levels work closely together to facilitate the integration of each student at the secondary level.

Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC)

Each Ontario high school has a team made up of:

Together, the team members are responsible for:

Any student identified or not identified by the ICRP committee who requires services from the Student Services sector will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This document was written by a special education teacher. It takes into account the specific needs of the student and presents, in detail, all the modifications or adaptations necessary to the school program in order to ensure the success of the latter.

A pupil can be identified in difficulty by an identification, placement and revision committee (IPRC). Once the student has been identified, a service will be provided to meet his specific needs.

Council publishes guide (parent guide – student programs and services) which describes the screening process for students with special needs and the programs and services available to them by the Council