The Ontario Ministry of Education's uniform course coding system consists of a five-character code and a course title. The board adds a sixth character to identify the type of program and the number of credits.

The characters

The first three characters of the ministry-prescribed uniform course coding system are found in the course description and will appear in the course code tables.

Course categories

The Ontario French-language Virtual Learning Consortium (CAVLFO) coordinates the offer of online courses with provincial support to students enrolled in French-language high schools in Ontario.

The course content respects the same expectations and the same learning content as a course offered at school. The course enables the use of a range of communication and collaboration tools such as chat, discussion threads, blogs and whiteboard. The student also finds multimedia activities as well as animations and videos. Each student is accompanied, in their online learning, by a teacher who offers them, among other things, supervision and support, provides them with formative assessment tasks, and takes them to summative assessment tasks. and grades, to help him get his credit.

The University of Hearst and Laurentian University offer high school students the opportunity to take online courses that will both lead to university credits and meet high school diploma requirements.

For more information on online courses and access, please contact your school's guidance office.

Secondary curriculum

Le curriculum for secondary school curriculum is governed by the Ontario Ministry of Education. You can view the curriculum according to the school year or according to the teaching material.

The Ontario curriculum explains the knowledge and skills that students should have acquired by the end of each school year. It takes into account, among other things, the diversity of student needs. Designed for teachers, the curriculum is accessible to anyone who wishes to consult it.

It is important to note that the French and English versions of the Ontario curriculum are not entirely identical. It is therefore preferable to consult the curriculum in the language of your school board.