At the Conseil scolaire catholique des Grandes Rivières, many people work together to ensure student success. When it comes to special education (EED), each of these people plays a specific role, which is summarized below.
School administration
The school management:
- communicates to its staff the expectations of the Ministry of Education and the School Board;
- ensure that a qualified staff member is assigned to teaching special education classes;
- ensures the identification and placement of students in difficulty;
- consults with parents and staff to determine the most appropriate program;
- ensures the development, implementation and review of the Individual Education Plan (IEP);
- ensures that parents or guardians are consulted on the development of their child's IEP.
Regular classroom teacher
The teacher of the regular class:
- updates their knowledge of special education practices;
- works with special education staff and parents or guardians to develop the IEP;
- provides the program indicated in the IEP for the exceptional student within the regular class setting;
- communicates student progress to parents or guardians;
- works with other staff to review and update the student's IEP.
Parent or guardian
The parent or guardian:
- participates in IPRC meetings, parent-teacher conferences and other relevant school activities;
- participates in the development of the IEP;
- knows the school personnel who work with the student;
- help the student at home;
- works with the school administration and teachers to solve problems;
- is responsible for the student's attendance at school.
Other staff
The teaching assistant:
- helps the student to carry out learning activities, under the direction and supervision of the teacher;
- helps provide the appropriate accommodations described in the IEP;
- monitors and records student achievement and progress against the expectations outlined in the IEP;
- maintains ongoing communications with the student's teachers.
The teacher of special education children:
- monitors student progress in regards to the IEP and modifies the program as needed;
- collaborates in the educational evaluations of students in difficulty;
- updates their knowledge of special education practices;
- work with parents or guardians to develop the IEP;
- teaches the IEP program in regular class;
- communicates student progress to parents or guardians;
- works with other staff to review and update the student's IEP.
Community workers
The other professionals concerned:
- participate in the IEP process and, when requested, be part of the MYP team;
- help identify a student's learning strengths and needs;
- develop strategies to be used in the school environment to help students acquire the knowledge and skills described in the learning expectations and to demonstrate their learning;
- provide the necessary training for staff to implement the strategies;
- act as resource persons and support for the student's family;
- maintain ongoing communication with the student's teacher and the Special education team;
- carry out assessments, if necessary, with the informed consent of parents or guardians.
For more information on roles and responsibilities, please see pages 8 to 18 of the Report to the Ministry of Education on the Special Needs Plan (PDF not accessible).