The administrative directives are established by the director of education and secretary-treasurer in order to ensure the sound management of the administrative affairs of the Council and to support the personnel in the exercise of their functions. Administrative directives are tools for implementing legal obligations and governance policies adopted by the elected Council.
- ADM-01: Administrative Metadirective
- ADM-02: Board and School Advertising
- ADM-03: Equity and inclusive education
- ADM-04: Handling of dissatisfaction and complaints from students, parents, guardians and community members
- ADM-05: Fire plan and procedures in schools and other buildings
- ADM-07: Supervision of schools and services
- ADM-09: File management
02│ADE – School administration
03│ELE – Students
04│PED – Pedagogy
05│FIN – Finances
- FIN-01: Request for sponsorships from community organizations
- FIN-02: Budget forecasts
- FIN-03: Official Signatories, Banking and Expenditure Approval
- FIN-04: Reimbursement of Staff Member Expenses
- FIN-05: Use of business credit cards
- FIN-06: Disposal of Surplus and Obsolete Material
- FIN-07: Fundraising
- FIN-08: Charitable donation
- FIN-09: Fees collected for learning materials and activities
- FIN-10: Acquisition and alienation of real estate
06│HR – Human Resources
- RH-01: Electronic Monitoring of Staff Members
- RH-02: Classification and reclassification of non-unionized positions
- HR-03: Disconnection at work
- HR-04: Teleworking
- RH-05: Harassment and discrimination for reasons based on a prohibited ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code
- RH-06: Harassment and Violence in the Workplace
- RH-07: Leave for loan of service of a staff member to an external organization
- RH-08: Disciplinary Measures
- RH-09: Use of targeted substances at work
- RH-10: Long Term Unpaid Leave
- HR-11: Conflict of interest and confidentiality
- RH-12: Occupational health and safety
- RH-12.1: Managing extreme temperatures
- RH-14: Staff dress and personal appearance