Ventilation strategy

Council investments

School dashboard

* Please note that the Excel document must be downloaded to a computer to have access to all of its features. 

Five-year Energy Conservation and Energy Management Plan 2018-2024

The Council's plan aims to reduce energy consumption through renewable energy and energy management strategies that include:

Our energy management strategy consists of:

Energy efficiency improvements at the Grandes Rivières Catholic School Board were funded in part by the Government of Canada.

The CSCDGR and its schools support community engagement. When the consolidation or closure of schools is considered, the Board consults with parents, guardians, and the community. This public consultation process is referred to as a Pupil Accommodation Review. This process is required by the Ministry of Education. It must take place before making the decision to consolidate or close schools. It is through this review that members of the school community share with the Board their views on the educational needs of their children and on the Board's specific proposal for change.

2024 projects -

École catholique Sainte-Rita

To better understand the process, you can consult the Guide to the review of student facilities from the Ontario government.