GOVERNANCE POLICIES (adopted in 2021-2022)

The elected Council revised its policies and adopted new ones to implement the policy governance model adopted in 2021.

Administrative policies remain in place until revoked by elected Council.


1101 – Code of Ethics for School Counselors (repealed and replaced by 1.4 – Code of Conduct)

1102 – Fees of Council members (repealed and replaced by 1.11 – Allowance for school counselors and student counselors)

1103 – Representation of students within the Council (repealed and replaced by 1.9.1 – Procedure for the representation of student trustees within the CSCDGR)

2101 - Purchases
Annexes: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 |

2102 – Request from community organizations (repealed and replaced by FIN-01: Request for sponsorship from community organizations)

2103 – Use of professional credit cards (repealed and replaced by FIN-05: Use of Corporate Credit Cards)

2104 – Advertising Expenses (repealed and replaced by ADM-02: Council and School Advertising)

2105 – Advocacy (repealed and replaced by Governance Procedure 1.1.1: Advocacy)

2106 – Investments (repealed and replaced by FIN-03: Official Signatories, Banking Operations and Expenditure Approval)

2107 – Adoptions of budgets (repealed and replaced by FIN-02: Budget estimates)

2108 – Accident insurance for students (repealed). 

2109 - Excellence scholarships

2110 – Costs for learning materials and activities (repealed and replaced by FIN-09: Fees charged for learning materials and activities)

2111 – Fundraising (repealed and replaced by FIN-07: Fundraising)

2112 – Disposal of surplus and obsolete property (repealed and replaced by FIN-06: Disposal of Surplus and Obsolete Material)

2113 – Alienation of surplus real estate (repealed and replaced by FIN-10 – Acquisition and alienation of real estate)

3101 - Professional and administrative activities

3102 - Leave for political or community appointments

3103 – Leave relating to a loan of service (repealed and replaced by HR-07: Leave for loan of service)

3104 – Occupational Health and Safety (repealed and replaced by RH-12: Occupational Health and Safety)

3105 - Modified work program

3106 - Recruitment and hiring of staff

3107 – Long-term unpaid leave (repealed and replaced by HR-10: Long Term Unpaid Leave)

3108 – Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace (repealed and replaced by RH-05 – Harassment and Discrimination for Reasons Based on a Prohibited Ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code)

3109 - Hiring of students

3110 - Employee Criminal Background Check
Annexes: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 |

3111 - Teacher performance evaluation

3112 - Criminal background checks of service providers
Annexes: 01 |

3113 - School management changes

3114 – Workplace Violence (repealed and replaced by RH06 – Harassment and Violence in the Workplace)

3115 – Performance evaluation of the education department (repealed and replaced by director of education performance appraisal procedure)

3116 – Role and responsibilities of the education department (repealed)

3117 – Disciplinary measures for misconduct by a staff member (repealed and replaced by HR-08: Disciplinary measures)

3118 - Performance appraisal of non-teaching staff

3119 - Well-being and attendance at work

3120 - Voluntary self-identification of Indigenous staff and trustees

5101 - volunteer
Annexes: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 |

6101 - Review of facilities
Annexes: 01 | 02 |

6102 - Responsibilities of administrative units

6103 - Oral administration of medication

6104 - School councils

6105 – Repealed

6106 – Travel allowance (repealed and replaced by FIN-04: Reimbursement of staff member expenses)

6107 – Bullying Prevention and Intervention (repealed and replaced by PED-01: Bullying Prevention and Intervention)

6108 - Progressive discipline
Annexes: 01 |

6110 – Access to school premises during the school day (repealed and replaced by ADE-03: Access to school facilities)

6111 – Start or end of day assembly ceremony (repealed and replaced by ADE-01 – Start of day assembly ceremony)

6112 - Appropriate attire

6113 – Partnerships for sharing facilities (repealed and replaced by INS-01: Community use of school premises)

6114 - Suspension of a student

6115 - Referral of a student

6116 - School board code of conduct

6117 - Safety in physical education
Annexes: 01 | 02 |

6118 – Educational outings (repealed and replaced by ELE-06 : Educational, cultural and sporting outings)
Appendices: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 |

6119 - School attendance sector
Annexes: 01 | 01a | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 14a |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32

6121 - Self-identification of Indigenous students

6122 – Staff Dress Code (repealed and replaced by Administrative Directive RH-14 – Staff dress and personal appearance)

6123 – Early detection (repealed and replaced by PED-02: Reception and support for early childhood) 

6124 – Expenses of school counselors (repealed and replaced by 1.12 – Reimbursement of expenses of school counselors)

6125 - Admission of students

6126 - Use of CCTV cameras
Annexes: A | B | C | D |

6127 – Equity and Inclusive Education (repealed and replaced by ADM-03 – Equity and Inclusive Education)

6128 – Parent Participation Committee (repealed and replaced by 1.7 – Principles governing committees / 1.8 – Committee structure)

6129 - Assessment and communication of student performance
Annexes: 01 |

6130 - School feeding

6131 - Concussions

6132 – Repealed

6133 – Welcome to school (repealed and replaced by ELE-02: Good arrival)

6134 – Use of information and communications technology resources (repealed and replaced by TIC-01 – Use of technology and TIC-02 – Use of personal mobile devices and access to social media)

6135 - Students with predominant medical conditions
Annexes: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |

6136 - Student who mentions suicide

6137 - Injury prevention

7101 – School transport (repealed and replaced by ELE-04: School transport)

9101 – Metapolitics (repealed and replaced by 1.0 – Metapolitics)

9102 – Repealed

9103 - Cataloging procedure

9104 – Records Management (repealed and replaced by ADM-09 – Records Management)

9105 – Repealed

9106 – Repealed

9107 - Designation of a school

9108 - Linguistic and Catholic planning

9109 – Repealed

9110 - Communication channels

9111 - Language of communication

9112 - Access to information and protection of privacy

9113 - Emergency measures


Local Protocol Between Police Services and School Boards in Northeastern Ontario

Community Threat Assessment Protocol

Protocol on the disclosure of child abuse