Roger Gregoire
Témiskaming Shores
- École catholique Ste-Croix
- École catholique St-Michel
- École secondaire catholique Sainte-Marie
Gilles Audet
Smooth Rock Falls, Fauquier-Strickland, Moonbeam, Val-Rita-Harty, Opasatika
- École catholique St-Jules
- Georges-Vanier Catholic School
Norm Bolduc
school counselor
Timmins, Gogama, Foleyet
- École catholique Anicet-Morin
- École catholique Don-Bosco
- École catholique Jacques-Cartier
- École catholique Louis-Rhéaume
- Sacred Heart Catholic School
- École catholique St-Dominique
- École catholique St-Gérard
- École catholique St-Jude
- Our Lady of the Rosary School
- Notre-Dame School
- École secondaire catholique Thériault
Langis H. Dion
school counselor
Dack, Charleton, Evanturel, Chamberlain, Matachewan, Englehart, MacGarry, Larder Lake, Gauthier, Kirkland Lake, Virginiatown
- École catholique Assumption (Kirkland Lake)
- St-Louis Catholic School (Virginiatown)
- Envolée du Nord Catholic High School
Lynn Genier-Ouellette
school counselor
Iroquois Falls, Black River-Matheson, Cochrane, Ramore, Val Gagné, Moosonee
- École catholique Sts-Martyrs-Canadiens
- École catholique Nouveau Regard
- St. Therese Catholic School
- École secondaire catholique l'Alliance
Daniel Grzela
school counselor
- École catholique André-Cary
- École catholique Jacques-Cartier
- Catholic Secondary School City of Youth
Chantal Couture Rancourt
school counselor
Hearst, Mattice, Val Côté
- Catholic School Notre-Dame Catholic Pavilion
- St-Louis Catholic School (Hearst)
- Ste-Anne Catholic School
- St. Francis Xavier Catholic School
- École secondaire catholique de Hearst
Leon J. Gregory
school counselor
Temagami et environs (Coleman, Latchford, Temiskaming Locality, James, Elk Lake, Cobalt, Harris, Hudson, Kerns, Harley, Casey, Brethour, Hilliard, Armstrong, Earlton, Thornloe Village)
- École catholique Assomption (Earlton)
Denis Belanger
school counselor
Timmins, Gogama, Foleyet
- École catholique Anicet-Morin
- École catholique Don-Bosco
- École catholique Jacques-Cartier
- École catholique Louis-Rhéaume
- Sacred Heart Catholic School
- École catholique St-Dominique
- École catholique St-Gérard
- École catholique St-Jude
- Our Lady of the Rosary School
- Notre-Dame School
- École secondaire catholique Thériault
Michelle Mailloux
school counselor
Timmins, Gogama, Foleyet
- École catholique Anicet-Morin
- École catholique Don-Bosco
- École catholique Jacques-Cartier
- École catholique Louis-Rhéaume
- Sacred Heart Catholic School
- École catholique St-Dominique
- École catholique St-Gérard
- École catholique St-Jude
- Our Lady of the Rosary School
- Notre-Dame School
- École secondaire catholique Thériault
William Baril
Student advisor
- Catholic Secondary School City of Youth
Jacob Leclair
Student advisor
- Catholic Secondary School City of Youth