At CSCDGR, a preferential tutoring rate is available to all of our students who wish to register for Tutorax services. Please visit tutorax.com/cscdgr-x-tutorax/?source=cscdgr to register your child. Tutoring is available at all hours, in all subjects.        


To all of you in our great school community, Dear employees and partners, Dear employees and partners, On behalf of the Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières, we would like to warmly thank you for your participation in this extensive consultation on the future of our school board. Last spring,...

Return to Class Guide

The health, safety and well-being of students and staff remains the priority of the CSCDGR. Just as the government has made explicit in its guide for reopening schools, we want to welcome students and staff in safe environments while collectively implementing...