A reminder: Insurance for students

- A little reminder that under the Education Act, school boards in the province of Ontario are not allowed to provide accident insurance coverage for students. The Board therefore recommends that all parents, guardians, tutors who wish to benefit from insurance coverage for their...

Newsletter – Boukili

We invite you to check out this newsletter that presents Boukili, a fantastic tool to support reading learning at home. Boukili offers a variety of interactive books adapted to different reading levels, which can help your children develop their reading skills in a fun way...

Join one of our strategic planning consultation sessions

Join one of our CSCDGR strategic planning consultation sessions by clicking this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2AWt8CD2NkuaqTorqasuEgyKDICJSQFBtsN1izXIRFRUOVBTUk1VUEdXUkdYN1hPTEQ1MExSOEgyRS4u An English virtual session has been added for parents to participate in our strategic planning exercise. Please join us on November 28th at 6:30, by filling out this form : https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2AWt8CD2NkuaqTorqasuEgyKDICJSQFBtsN1izXIRFRUQjBQMktXSU1IWjhSSDVIWFpXRDlEVlpQNS4u