Category: Press Releases

Subject: Questionnaire for the school transport service and registration process for BusPlanner Web for the 2020-21 school year

Please complete the questionnaire by June 24 2020

Dear parents, guardians, 

The Grandes Rivières Catholic District School Board is preparing for the 2020-2021 school year. The transportation team recognizes that in order to be able to respect the physical distancing standards of the pandemic (2 meters), the number of seats on the buses will be limited. For example, the number of seats available on a 24-seat bus (12 seats per side) will be 12 passengers (instead of 71). 

Please note that boarding and disembarking times could be modified according to the school schedule. 

Due to these restrictions, your registration with the school transportation service and " BusPlanner Web Is required by the Council in order to be able to offer a safe and efficient transportation service. 


1. Please follow the relevant link below to access the registration questionnaire for the school transportation service:  


2. Please follow the link below for site registration " BusPlanner Web " (if it is not done yet). This will allow you to have school transport information for all your children under a single user account: 


Following this registration, you will be able to view school transport information and locate your child's bus at the start or end of the school day during running hours. In addition, you will receive notifications of delay or cancellation of your child's bus trip. You will also have access to many forms for transport requests. 

You will be able to access the site " BusPlanner Web To confirm your child's transportation details as of August 24, 2020. 

Please accept, dear parents, guardians, our best regards.

Sylvie Petroski 

Director of Education