Timmins, March 29, 2023 – The trustees of the Catholic School Board of
district of Grandes Rivières wish to inform parents, staff, parishes and students
the well-deserved retirement of the director of education and secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Sylvie Petroski on December 31, 2023.
“We would like to thank Ms. Petroski for her significant contributions to educational success
CSCDGR students during his 33 years of service. His leadership and dedication have been
source of inspiration for many members of staff and for the school community.
A committed and engaging Francophone Catholic educator, Ms. Petroski worked tirelessly
to support the development of the faith, language and culture of all students in the
CSCDGR in partnership with their families and local parishes. His style of leadership
collaborative and dynamic inspired his team with a commitment to excellence and
"gained the attention and admiration of his peers across the province," said Mr. Roger.
Grégoire, President of the School Council.